Is it a deal breaker?

One person’s deal breaker is another’s dream home.

Have you ever rejected a property purely based on personal preference?
We took it to the street and asked some Villagers what scenarios they’re willing to live with… and which ones they’re not.


Here’s what they said:

How does your property compare?

“My deal breaker is if its not pet friendly. Having a fence is always important so my little rascals don’t escape!” – Alan

“Deal breaker is air conditioning. Comfort is my number one priority. I want to always feel ‘just right’ “- Tom

“I can live with carpet in living rooms, but I can’t live without good natural light.” – Lindsey

“I can’t live without well-lit bathrooms.” – Dani

“I love to cook for friends so a small weird kitchen is not going to work for me. But I am willing to live with a small weird bathroom (which I currently have haha).” – Mon

“I don’t think I could live without some kind of outdoor area. I need to be able to open-up the house and walk outside.” – Paul

“Safety! A good area with a low crime rate is important for my young family.” – Carly


These responses are not unlike ones we’ve heard before. If you are looking to lease your property talk to Courtney today.