With a background in Design Communication, Lisa specialises in Design, Art Direction and Interiors. A designer turned visual storyteller – Lisa’s focus is about shaping the Villager brand through visual stories.

Sometimes when you’re in it, you just can’t see it…

Like walking into any home, there are certain things that we pick up on before anything else. So to help out with getting the best out of your investment property, we thought we‘d put together a list of the things tenants notice first.

  1. Good advertising goes far

It seems a little obvious but professional photos and description of your property are extremely important when leasing your property. This helps to give your potential tenants the best first impression through an accurate representation of your property.  

  1. Friendly and Informative agent

Your Property Manager’s customer service levels matter. Tenants like anyone of us like to feel respected. How they are treated upon the first phone call enquiry or at the inspection will leave an impression if they really want to rent through a particular agency or not.

  1. Cleanliness & well maintained

How a property is presented at inspections will set a standard to how a property is expected to be maintained throughout a tenancy. Having the property professionally cleaned and all visible maintenance items repaired prior to inspections is highly recommended.

  1. Smells

There’s nothing more off-putting than living in a house with a funny smell. If your investment property is in need of a fresh scent or if you’re not sure. Here are some tips:

  1. Ask a trusted friend for their honest opinion.
  2. Place some freshly ground coffee in the space for a few days. This can help to lift some unpleasant smells. 
  3. Find the source of the smell and eliminate the cause.
  1. Quality of property

Finding a great tenant starts with the condition of the property.  It’s as simple as the laws of attraction. 

An average tenant will be looking for something average. A great tenant will be looking for something great that matches their standard of living. This is key to remember when preparing your property for leasing. 


We hope our list helps! If you have any other questions about what you can do to prepare your property for lease, contact Courtney today.

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